Garrett Robinson and his family live in Acton California.

On February 24th of 2007 Garrett had an unfortunate accident while riding his dirt bike which left him as a paraplegic. This hasn't stopped Garrett and he has a great attitude! Prior to his accident's he had been playing football at Vasquez High School. Garrett is graduating this year and plans on going to college to learn business and become a sports personality manager.

Garrett was our recipient of last years proceeds and we decided to continue our support this year. 

In the past year, Garrett's family has successfully converted their home to accommodate Garrett's needs and they were even able to build Garrett an exercise room for his on going rehabilitation. It was through fund raising events such as this and the generosity of our local community that made it possible for Garrett and his family to successfully accomplish these goals. 

Garrett too has come a long way in the past year.  With his training, he has become stronger and more balanced.  He trains not only his upper body but his core strength as well four times a week.  With this training, he was able to walk (with braces and a walker) 100 yards at the LA Marathon this past March.

Garrett needs to continue this training to maintain what he has been able to accomplish along with keeping his body healthy. Garrett trains 4 times a week at a C.O.R.E. facility in Northridge California which is a good 120 mile round trip that he has to make each day, the rising gas prices aren't making it any easier so anything that we can do to help as a group whether it be by the donating artists or participating bidders the effort  will be much appreciated by Garrett and his family.

For more information on C.O.R.E. please visit their website.

Garrett walks the last 100 yards of the La Marathon with trainer Taylor Isaacs of C.O.R.E. 2008 

Photo by Kaye Kittrell

Garrett plans to try and join the Rise Above Team next year and cycle across country. For this he will need a hand crank custom bicycle.

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Galpin Motors

AAA of Lancaster, CA


The Quake





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Rod Tossers

Wheel Tramps

Early Riders


High Desert Cruisers



West Coast Kustoms


Road Devils







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Website by Moldy Marvin

Copyright Little Rock CA 93543 2007

"Moldy Marvin" TM

Kustom Kulture Extravaganza TM

Copyright 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008 @utomated Entertainment Little Rock CA 93543